Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The current leaderboard is.

Waffles 557
Jman 507
Josie 540
Sarah 403
Bayne 510
Seb 525
Mom 388

Josie has regained a lot of the points I put between us. I need to do good this week. Josie smoked everyone with a final score of 126. Seb was second with 119 and I had third with a weak 108. Ug. Least I beat that bald bitch Bayne. Sgirl had a good week beating JMan and Mom kept her bottom standing. Lucky for me Seb started late or else he might be the big dog. He is from England, wtf?!?! Cmon American's and people not named Joe C. We need to dominate this thing! heh. Peace.


Blogger Josie said...

You are sooooo going down and not in a good way.

5:57 AM


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